Providing actionable insights and valuable information to help you navigate the complexity of tax law for your business.

SSN and green cards

Do Green Card Holders Pay Taxes?

America was built on immigration, and the promises of our Constitution were written as universal for all people. Even so, immigration into the U.S. has long been a political issue—and lately it has become even more contentious—so it's important…
Paperworks and a calculator

Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP)

Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP) There are many different tax provisions that affect international financial transactions. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is beginning to pay far closer attention to these matters, leading…

FATCA Reporting And Filing Requirements

[siteorigin_widget class="SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget] In 2010, the United States created a federal law to combat foreign asset tax evasion called the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). FATCA reporting applies…
Man with a laptop and a lot of paperworks

Infographic: Contractor vs Employee What is the Difference?

Employee vs Contractor: How You can be sure your 1099s are correctly classified. How you hire a worker determines whether they are a W-2 wage earner or a 1099 contractor. Among the criteria used to determine employee vs contractor status…
Men looking at a graph

Business Tax Rates: What Should You Expect To Pay?

Corporate or Business Tax is a tax charged on a company’s profits. Depending on your business entity type your taxes are due at different times.  Partnerships and S-corporations are due 3/15 while individual taxes and C-corps are…

1099 Worker Misclassifications

Paying all the fringe benefits necessary to hire a W-2 employee is a heavy burden for many small business owners.  And while it is the law, many small business owners will intentionally misclassify workers as 1099s to avoid those payroll…

YOUR DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO California EDD Audits, The Dynamex Case and Independent Contractor Classification

Click to download the Ebook: [edsanimate_start entry_animation_type= "fadeIn" entry_delay= "0" entry_duration= "0.5" entry_timing= "linear" exit_animation_type= "" exit_delay= "" exit_duration= "" exit_timing= "" animation_repeat= "1" keep=…
taxpayer reviewing IRS audit


Government collection activity can hurt a company’s credit and ability to borrow funds needed to operate a business. Understanding your legal rights and taking correct and immediate action may be the difference between a business that…
Men looking at a graph

AB-5 ‘Gig Work Bill’ Goes Into Effect Jan 2020. Are you prepared if EDD comes knocking?

California employment law is changing and small business owners must be prepared. When Assembly Bill 5 (AB-5) goes into effect on January 1, 2020, employers will have to meet stricter standards when classifying workers as independent…
A woman working

Want to Start a Business in California? Here’s a Checklist for Your First Year

Are you ready to launch your own business in California? You're in for an exciting journey.  As of 2018, small businesses in California employ 48.8% of the employees in the state. As a business owner, you will be contributing to this…
contractors files

The NEW ABCs of 1099 Contractor Classification (AB-5)

In January 2020 California AB-5 will go into effect and many workers previously classified as contractors will be required to reclassify as W-2 wage earning employees.  The CA EDD has always had criteria by which employers can determine…
Woman talking to a couple

How to Prepare a Tax Return and Minimize Your Risk of Audit: A Guide for The Starting CPA 

Preparing and filing accurate business tax returns can be complicated. That's why so many business owners rely on CPAs to help them navigate the complexities of the tax world.  As a CPA, it is your responsibility to help…