Providing actionable insights and valuable information to help you navigate the complexity of tax law for your business.

A man using a laptop
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The Top 5 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of a Tax Audit

If there is anything business owners dread more than tax season, it’s being audited by the IRS. There are many reasons why the IRS or the state may come knocking on your door for an audit. These reasons can include: Accidentally (or deliberately)…
Man smiling while holding a paper

Can’t Afford Your Tax Burden? Here’s What to Do

Come tax season, many individuals and businesses find that they are unable to pay their full tax burden on time. Despite how common this predicament is, a sizable portion of taxpayers don’t know what options are available in these circumstances.…
Someone looks at a document with a magnifying glass

Five Common Reasons the IRS May Audit Your Business

Every business owner fears the dreaded tax audit. It can be a headache, requiring a lot of precious time to retrace your steps the previous year and provide documentation to support the information on your tax forms. No one can predict an…
A stressed woman worries while looking at her computer

The IRS Is Coming after My Closed Business. What Do I Do?

When businesses close, they sometimes do not file taxes for their last year in operation. These taxes are still owed, and if any business has not closed its doors in accordance with state and federal laws, California’s Franchise Tax Board…
Man using a calculator

Tax Compliance Tips for California Businesses

Whether or not you owe any sales and use tax, California mandates that any business holding a seller’s permit routinely file sales tax returns. Depending on the situation, this may be every month, quarter, or year. Considering the extensive…
a confused worker goes over paperwork

Sales Tax Audits: What to Know and How to Prepare

When businesses fail to pay taxes in California, the state does not hesitate to aggressively pursue what it’s owed. Most California businesses will have to endure an audit at some point. Even if your business has kept meticulous records and…
California Tax Attorneys

Understanding EDD Obligations as a California Employer

  All employers in California have certain state tax requirements on top of their federal tax obligations. Read on to learn more about these requirements, including how they can affect your business and what happens in the case of an Employment…
A close up view of a green pencil laying on top of a payroll sheet

How to Prepare for a Payroll Tax Audit

Like most California business owners, you’ve likely kept diligent financial records and have never tried to defraud the government on your taxes. However, if the state targets you for a payroll tax audit, it may understandably cause you…
Men shaking hands

How Can Entrepreneurs Find Trustworthy People?

Trust is an internal barometer that each of us has calibrated over time — yet we sometimes end up disappointed and frustrated with people we thought we could trust. With human behavior as unpredictable as it is, how much trust can you place…
Image of a calculator IRS in an audit

IRS Appeals: What Are Your Options?

Audits from the IRS are not only stressful, but they can also disrupt your business and force you to change your operating practices. Some companies can afford to absorb the new additional taxes. For others, appealing an audit decision may be…
Woman holding a paper and a calculator

7 Things Small Business Owners Should Reconsider Handling Themselves

If you’re a small business owner, you probably consider yourself a jack-of-all-trades. That’s not necessarily a bad thing — it’s a trait that likely got your company off the ground in its earliest phases. Without a full complement of…
two women shake hands after an interview

Small-Business Hiring: Who Should Be Your First Employee?

You’ve decided it’s time you hire some extra help for your business. Congratulations! That’s a big step and a sign of growth. Being a small-business owner means knowing how to do everything yourself. The hours are grueling, and the…