Providing actionable insights and valuable information to help you navigate the complexity of tax law for your business.

Independent Contractor
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5 Misconceptions of Independent Contractors

New classification guidelines between W-2 employees and 1099 independent contractors place stricter rules for businesses looking to hire. Common misconceptions about independent contractors can lead to businesses misclassifying workers and paying…
Right of Control: Who has it and How Does EDD Determine 1099 Status?
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Right of Control: Who Has It and How Does EDD Determine 1099 Status?

When determining whether your workers should be classified as employees or independent contractors, it’s critical to ensure that you are closely following the Employment Development Department’s (EDD) strict guidelines.  On the simplest…
California - Interstate roadsign illustration with the map of California

California Income Taxes

While residents of California are taxed upon their entire net income, non-residents are only taxed on income from California sources. Individuals who have California source income typically do not get out of paying income taxes simply by changing their residence.

Why We Implemented Entrepreneurial Operating Systems

John Milikowsky, Founder of Milikowsky Tax Law, often hears the question: “why do you do what you do?”  and “why are you a tax attorney?” To him, the answer is simple, “I really enjoy keeping businesses in business.”   Listen…
Shot of a young couple sitting on the sofa at home and ignoring each other after a fight
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Innocent Spouse Relief

The experienced tax attorneys at Milikowsky Tax Law can help you seek the protections offered by IRS under the innocent spouse relief rules. We understand that financial deception can happen and we can help.
there are different tax benefits for different tax formations

Tax Benefits of Different Types of Business Formations

Different business models are able to take advantage of tax benefits based on their structure. Business owners should keep in mind that the type of business formation chosen impacts costs, liability, and team configurations.  Choosing the…
Morris - Payroll tax audit

Payroll Tax Audit Case Study

Meet Morris, a law-abiding business owner who was caught up in an IRS audit. Morris' case highlights the clear and methodical process that you get working with the professional tax attorneys at Milikowsky Tax Law. .embed-container…
the sba denial is serious. partnering with an attorney helps your business find the best outcome

SBA Loan Forgiveness Denial Appeal Process

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Small Business Administration (SBA) doled out Payment Protection Program (PPP) loans to qualified businesses. Over the course of the program, SBA granted over $809 billion in loans. SBA is currently processing…
Stylized Seal of Orange County California
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OC Business Tax Attorney

There's more to understanding tax law in Orange County than learning how to use the tax code. Filing an accurate business tax return can have a significant impact on the future of the business you’ve worked so hard to build.

I Missed the Deadline to File Taxes: What Do I Do Now?

If you’ve missed the official deadline to pay your taxes, don’t stress. Getting back on track with your taxes is, in many cases, simpler than most people think. Whether you owe individual taxes or taxes for your small business, the easiest…
Document report or business management concept: Businessman manager hands holding pen for reading, signing paperwork near payroll salary binder, summary report HR-human resources business bookkeeping
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Payroll Tax Audits

Do not make the mistake of misclassifying your employees! If your workers are reclassified as employees, your company may be liable for FICA taxes (both employer and employee's portion)
small businesses who were denied the PPP loan forgiveness can still appeal for forgiveness.

What to Do if My PPP Loan is Not Forgiven?

Business owners who applied for SBA PPP loan forgiveness, but were denied have a limited time frame in which to appeal the forgiveness denial. Read on to learn about the process of appeal, what steps you must take, and the strict timeframe in…