Providing actionable insights and valuable information to help you navigate the complexity of tax law for your business.

Would you Rather Jump from an Airplane or Be Audited by the IRS?

Fun fact: Our CEO and founder, John Milikowsky, has done both! Let’s see what he thinks. https://youtu.be/XFFyNxZqFHM?feature=shared IRS Audits IRS audits – No kidding, they're not fun, no matter who it is. John notes “When…

How to Make Sure Your CPA is Getting the Correct Deductions for Your Business

As tax season approaches, collaborating effectively with your CPA can significantly impact your financial outcomes. Ensuring the accuracy of deductions is paramount. Here's how to oversee and confirm your CPA's tax deduction strategies:

How Long Should Business Owners Keep Their Tax Documents?

As a business owner, you understand the importance of maintaining organized tax records. Not only is it a good practice, but it's also a legal and financial necessity. Your tax documents are the backbone of your financial history, and keeping…

Tax Evasion Penalties 2024

In 2024, understanding tax evasion penalties and their implications is crucial for business owners. With a 90% conviction rate in IRS criminal prosecutions, the stakes are high. Let's explore the nuances of tax evasion, penalties, and their…
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SBA PPP Loan Default: How to resolve collections by the US Treasury [VIDEO]

The SBA Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) offered a financial lifeline during uncertain times. However, as we shift from application to forgiveness, some business owners are facing challenges with non-forgiven loans and ensuing collections.…
Can SBA Audit a PPP Loan That is Already Forgiven? A worried business owners sees an audit notice on her laptop.
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Can SBA Audit a PPP Loan That is Already Forgiven? [VIDEO]

In an unexpected turn of events, some businesses are receiving notifications to provide additional documentation for PPP loans that were already forgiven. This development brings to light the importance of being diligent and prepared, even…
2024 IRS Audits what to Expect - a business man looking out a plate glass window.
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2024 Tax Audits: What to Expect

As we near the end of 2023, business owners are eager to know what to expect for IRS tax audits for 2024 with questions such as: What areas will the IRS focus on in the coming year? How can we steer clear of potential audit triggers? What proactive…
Luxury cars. Does the IRS look at Social Media during a lifestyle audit?
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Does the IRS look at your Social media when they audit you? [VIDEO]

The digital footprint you leave on the internet, especially on social media, can be more revealing than you think. In an eye-opening video, John Milikowsky, the founder of Milikowsky Tax Law, discusses the extent of the IRS's reach when conducting…

An IRS Audit Agent says I don’t need an attorney, is that true?

Facing an IRS audit can be a stressful and daunting experience. When you receive that dreaded audit notice, a whirlwind of questions and concerns can overwhelm you. One common question that often arises is whether you need an attorney to navigate…

SBA PPP APPEALS: The Inside Scoop

In the realm of supporting American businesses, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has been a pillar since its establishment in 1953. Tasked with aiding, counseling, assisting, and safeguarding the interests of small business concerns,…

What Triggers an EDD Audit in California?

If your business is currently facing an audit from California's Employment Development Department (EDD), it's crucial to understand what led to this scrutiny. Knowing the reasons behind the EDD audit not only helps you navigate the audit…

Does the IRS Search Your Social Media Accounts When They are Conducting an Audit?

Have you ever shared a recent photo of your luxurious new boat, sports car, or exotic vacation on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or other social media, all while reporting a modest income to the government? Rumors have been swirling…